The path of Shugenja ®

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16092010021207dadas.jpgEvery year, in the last week of september, the warriors os Bujinkan Macedonia undertake the traditional Path of Shugenja seminar.

This year, the students chose to walk from the bas of mount Lipac all the way to lake Mokro. Unlike the years before, when the length was unknown, this year we are aware of how long it the road – we are supposed to walk through 40 kilometers during the day. We will visit every church and monastery on the way, as well as every other sacred place, where through meditation and prayer we shall replenish our energy. As help, we will utilize only old topographic maps and a compass.

Shugendo is an ancient Japanese method, which explores
 16092010021147wf.jpgthe relation between man and nature. Literally translated, it means “The path of practice and testing”, i.e. an ascetic discipline which has the goal of self-improvement through isolating on mountains, meditating under waterfalls and cold rivers, breathing practices on hard to reach terrain, all the way to achieving impossible feats through testing the physical and mental toughness of a person.Those that practice this method, are known as Shugenja and the teaching is present event today in Japan.

The founder of this teaching is considered to be En no Gyoja, who lived near Kyoto in the 7th century AD. The other name, under which these people were known, is Yamabushi or mountain warriors. They walked the mountains on the Japanese islands, visiting and protecting the many temples in there. Some scholars believe that these people exactly, along with the exiled Chinese generals from the Tang dinasty are the founders of the Ninjutsu art.

Theme: The path of Shugenja / Spiritual journey

Date: 26th September, 2010 (Sunday)

Place: Lipac – lake Mokro

07.00 hours – Departure from Skopje
08.00 hours – Arrival and start of march
??.?? hours – Return to Skopje

16092010021159iug.jpgEquipment: Take everything you have, the heavier – the better (and safer).

p.s. It is not unlikely to encounter wil animals, rain, bad weather and many other unpredictable things. Everyone comes at their own risk.

* Before you enlist: Take a look around the website for more information on earlier seminars of this kind.