For the ninth time shidoshi Igor Dovezenski successfully organized and held the biggest and best known yearly event known under the name “Summer Ninja Camp”. And again, as every year, it took place with the help of the members of Bujinkan Macedonia who with years selflessly give their support and trust to the leader of “Taiyou e no Michi”. Connection, loyalty, family spirit between the Warriors of the dojo full comes to light during the summer camp. This year during the event studied were the Japanese skills of Takagi Yoshin ryu Jutaijutsu and Togakure ryu Bikenjutsu. Besides them, as always other topics were studied, all with the goal of transferring as much knowledge as possible from the hoards of the teacher – to the students. Truly there are no words that can describe the atmosphere that permeates the summer ninja camp, as any attempt would be unsuccessful. What we can surely say is that the event
slowly, but surely, is becoming LEGENDARY and that future generations will be able to speak with days how they watched the photographs from the camp itself. As every year, so this year, on the last day of the event shidoshi Igor Dovezenski presented the topic for the next year, and for 2018 it is: Daito ryu Aikijujutsu and Kukishinden Ryu Naginata. If till now you still haven’t
felt the warrior spirit within yourselves meaning you have never taken part in one of our summer camps, in Your calendar mark the dates from 4-12 of August and be part of this glorious moment.