The seminar for water training "Sui Ren" has been held

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Even before the official founding of the first Macedonian ninjutsu dojo -Bujinkan Macedonia, the instructor Igor Dovezenski paid special attention on the studying of the specialized shinobi techniques, among which is Sui Ren.

That practice to teach all unusual skills known under the name of Ninja Juhakei, shidoshi Dovezenski continues to this day, and so from time to time his students have the opportunity to learn and to delve a bit deeper in the marrow of this unusual method of fighting known under the name ninjutsu.
During the Sunday seminar, the participants had the opportunity to learn techniques for quiet water entering, and also ways of silent swimming up and down stream. Afterwards techniques of long distance swimming with a log, camouflage and water running, and also silent movement and following of the enemy who is moving on the banks of the river.
Water training, except during the nature seminars, sometimes is taught on some of the summer camps organized in the Hombu Dojo of Taiyou e no Michi.

According to the work plan, the next year it is planned for the techniques learned to be tried out through different martial scenarios, during which the participants will be split into two groups.