The Ninja Kids of Bujikan Macedonia occupied the Hombu Dojo for the fourth time

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And the fourth invasion of the Hombu Dojo of Bujinkan Macedonia by the Ninja Kids ended successfully.
In fact, the are so suspenseful in entering every pore of our club, that it in nearly impossible to get them out of there.

Exactly 24 kids participated in the spring offensive that forced us to promise that this event will keep happening biyearly (fall-spring).

During the seminar, the future Warriors of Bujinkan Macedonia practiced techniques of throwing the opponent (Nage Wasa), with which the proved that they are rightly considered “the future of our dojo and our country”.

Naturally, the wonderful friendships were not left out, all kinds of different “ninja games”, the kids proved capable of handling the powerful lunch, which they managed to beat in just under 20 minutes, leaving behind them only devastation in the form of empty plates.

So long till the “Kids Ninja Camp”, which will take place this upcoming summer.