The seminar for Chigiriki has been held

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The members of Bujinkan Macedonia who took part in this Sundays seminar for Chigiriki, again gained and advantage and learnt to use another for them new, but ancient Japanese self defense tool. The yard of the Hombu Dojo of the Organization „Taiyou e no Michi“ was the place where the teacher Dovezenski selflessly taught his students the knowledge gained through years spent in practicing classical Japanese samurai and ninja arts.

The participants had the opportunity to train in all the basic forms of this unusual weapon which is made out a stick, chain and weight, but during training an wooden substitute is used connected with a rope which is weighted with a tennis ball, of course, to avoid any possible injury.

It appears that a few of the members of the dojo are already firmly set in their intentions to also master this skill, and many of the beginners also show interest, which promises that in the future too seminars on this topic will be held.