The seminar “The Power of the Yari VIII” was held

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As last was year, so was this year. “Grandma Marta” surprised the warriors of Bujinkan Macedonia showing her unpredictability and power to change the weather several times during one day.

The seminar for fighting with a spear ( Sojutsu ), which every year attracts a large part of the members of Bujinkan Macedonia, this Sunday was held for the eight time, in the same location (Slepo Kolo) on the hill of Orljak. And this time, the cry’s of the participants bore withes of the will to delve deeper in this ancient Japanese martial art. Although the morning promised nice weather conditions, which at least in the first part of the day came true, rising the mercury in the thermometer to 25 degrees Celsius, somewhere after 13:00 the temperature took a sudden plunge going down to 5 degrees. At the same time, a strong rain started to drop which mercilessly battered the participants of the event. Despite the great cold, the Warriors steadfastly finished all the katas from the first part of the densho ( Omote ), and afterwards started for the Hombu Dojo where they had the opportunity to watch tapes from former trainings during which shidoshi Dovezenski was shown teaching techniques from the school Koto ryu Koppojutsu.

In the end of the day, the instructor of Bujinkan Macedonia promised that this traditional seminar will keep being held every year in March, in the same location.