Jissen Heiho seminar 

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As a way to round up the year 2022, Bujinkan Macedonia held a seminar on the topic of Jissen Heiho, so we can remind ourselves of the fanatical seminars that once upon a time were a regular event at our dojo. It’s not a case of falling standards, but a case of careful monitoring of the generational flow and the changing times, so we can adapt our curriculum to them. 

During yesterday’s seminar, the participants came mainly from the Senpais, meaning the older members of the Dojo who in the past regularly trained in Jissen Heiho. For those that don’t know, it is a system developed by the teacher Igor Dovezenski, with the goal of completely utilizing the martial strategies of the traditional japanese martial arts and to modify them to suit the demands of the modern way of fighting. 

This upcoming Friday the annual title testing shall take place, after which there will be a simple New Year’s party (BonenKai).

Shinken Gata - Tora no Maki

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On the 27th of November, in the Skopje Dojo of Bujinkan Macedonia, a seminar was held on the topic of Shinken Gata – Tora no Maki.

This combat system that originates from the traditional school of Kukishinden ryu Dakentaijutsu is known for its dynamic and combative style. This is reason enough for the members of the Organisation “Taiyou e no Michi”, which are known for their willingness to partake in a hard and demanding pain filled training. 

During the event the teacher Dovezenski taught techniques from the first and second levels of Tora no Maki.