The seminar for water training "Sui Ren" has been held

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Even before the official founding of the first Macedonian ninjutsu dojo -Bujinkan Macedonia, the instructor Igor Dovezenski paid special attention on the studying of the specialized shinobi techniques, among which is Sui Ren.

That practice to teach all unusual skills known under the name of Ninja Juhakei, shidoshi Dovezenski continues to this day, and so from time to time his students have the opportunity to learn and to delve a bit deeper in the marrow of this unusual method of fighting known under the name ninjutsu.
During the Sunday seminar, the participants had the opportunity to learn techniques for quiet water entering, and also ways of silent swimming up and down stream. Afterwards techniques of long distance swimming with a log, camouflage and water running, and also silent movement and following of the enemy who is moving on the banks of the river.
Water training, except during the nature seminars, sometimes is taught on some of the summer camps organized in the Hombu Dojo of Taiyou e no Michi.

According to the work plan, the next year it is planned for the techniques learned to be tried out through different martial scenarios, during which the participants will be split into two groups.

"The longest day - Kenjutsu seminar on Kokino" has been held

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Fifteen Warriors of Bujinkan Macedonia and one participating guest took part in a two day seminar held on Tatikev Kamen in the village of Kokino.
Right in one of the oldest observatories on the world, our members with a kenjutsy training welcomed the longest day in the year known amongst the people also as Soncestoj.

We show to you some of the impressions of sempai Mihail Drakalski regarding the seminar:

“We all got up exactly at 04 hours and refreshed by the clean air we started the first training and in that way we welcomed the sunrise. In a short while in appeared in that specific spot meaning through the sight between the two rocks through which astronomers in the past calculated the coming of the seasons.
A few minutes before some journalist appeared, but also some other curious comers who photographed and taped the official welcoming of summer. During the training I enjoyed watching the kids of Bujinkan Macedonia growing and I was overjoyed that they are growing in martial family like ours is.
I would also add that Kenjutsu is a wonderful school which I noticed appeals to everyone. I would like for this seminar to grow into a traditional one.”

The longest day - Kenjutsu seminar on Kokino

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The warriors of Bujinkan Macedonia, with a kenjutsu seminar on Tatikev Kamen in the vilage of Kokino, will welcome the longest day in the year known among the people as Soncestoy.

The equinox meaning the time when the day is the longest, and the night the shortest, in ancient times was known as the time of transition between spring and summer. On one of the oldest observatories in the world, the members of our dojo, with swords in their hands through training one of the oldest martial arts known in the world – Tenshin Shoden Katori Shinto ryu Bujutsu, will welcome the sunrise at 04.24 hours.

The name of our organization Taiyou e no Michi, our Mon, the symbol of the country from which the arts we practice stem from, as also the strength of the Sun in the mythology and the consciousness of the Macedonians – is reason enough to come together and welcome the longest day in the year.

The seminar is open to all members of our dojo, for all lovers of nature and Japanese martial arts, as is to all supporters and friends.

The seminar tax is a symbolic 500 denars, while for those that took part in one of our two past seminars ( 10.000 B.C. and Kenjutsu under the Stars of Lipac ), the event is free.

20 June * 17.00 starting from Skopje * 19.30 – 21.30 kenjutsu training * 22.00 friendship around the camp fire * 00.00 rest
21 June * 04.00 – 06.00 kenjutsu training * 06.00 – 09.00 rest * 01.00 – 13.00 kenjutsu training * 15.00 return to Skopje

For all those that register till Sunday noon, we will provide boken ( wooden sword ) to train with, and a tent.
You should bring a sleeping bag and food.
We expect Your questions through our e-mail: daito_macedonia(at)