Kenjutsu seminar held

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the leadership of Igor Dovezenski, Dojo Cho in Ninjutsu Union Bujinkan
Macedonia, yesterday on Elenac hill a seminar on subject Kenjutsu Kihon
has been held on which the participants had the opportunity to study
the basic techniques of handling a japanese sword.
the start of the technical part, Dovezenski sensei introduced the
students with some important rules concerning this technique through
Kuden (verbal teaching), but also, he emphasized the importance of the
psychological readiness while practicing the techniques in sword
that, the basic body stances (kamae no kata) were practiced by which
the ways of attack – cutting from each of the kamae were explained. The
training continued with demonstration and practicing of the eight ways
(directions) of cutting with a sword (happo giri), as well as real
sword combat application of the same (shinken gata).
sensei explained every technique on a pretty high level and with many
details, and in the end he taught the students of the special ways of
movement (tai sabaki) while in a sword fight, after which the movement
was studied through the Ichi no Kamae stance and the Tsuki (stabbing)
In the end the participants from the beginners group of the Pat kon Sonceto Skopje dojo (Taiyou e no michi Skopje) received compliments for showing satisfactory results on the seminar.
gratitude for the Nature (read God) for the beautiful sunny day, which
allowed us to fill the cells in our body with invigorating energy.

Kenjutsu seminar held

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the leadership of Igor Dovezenski, Dojo Cho in Ninjutsu Union Bujinkan
Macedonia, yesterday on Elenac hill a seminar on subject Kenjutsu Kihon
has been held on which the participants had the opportunity to study
the basic techniques of handling a japanese sword.
the start of the technical part, Dovezenski sensei introduced the
students with some important rules concerning this technique through
Kuden (verbal teaching), but also, he emphasized the importance of the
psychological readiness while practicing the techniques in sword
that, the basic body stances (kamae no kata) were practiced by which
the ways of attack – cutting from each of the kamae were explained. The
training continued with demonstration and practicing of the eight ways
(directions) of cutting with a sword (happo giri), as well as real
sword combat application of the same (shinken gata).
sensei explained every technique on a pretty high level and with many
details, and in the end he taught the students of the special ways of
movement (tai sabaki) while in a sword fight, after which the movement
was studied through the Ichi no Kamae stance and the Tsuki (stabbing)
In the end the participants from the beginners group of the Pat kon Sonceto Skopje dojo (Taiyou e no michi Skopje) received compliments for showing satisfactory results on the seminar.
gratitude for the Nature (read God) for the beautiful sunny day, which
allowed us to fill the cells in our body with invigorating energy.

Kenjutsu seminar on Elenac Hills

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a268ba95-b081-49a0-b29d-ec91d95007a3.jpgThe Ninjutsu Union Bujinkan Macedonia will organize an open air seminar on april the 26th (Sunday) on subject Kenjutsu Kihon.
seminar will include techniques like: Kamae no Gata, Happo Giri and
Shinken Gata. The participants should bring boken with him.
Metal and sharp weapons are not allowed on the seminar.

Subject: Kenjutsu
Date: April the 26th 2009
Place: Elenac Hills


            08.00 hours – leaving from Skopje

            09.00 hours – arrival

            10.00 – 16.00 hours – theoretical and practical part

            17.30 hours – coming back

Price: 1000 denars – the price includes: seminar fee and transportation
The seminar will be held no matter the weather conditions.

Kenjutsu seminar on Elenac Hills

Posted on Categories Home

a268ba95-b081-49a0-b29d-ec91d95007a3.jpgThe Ninjutsu Union Bujinkan Macedonia will organize an open air seminar on april the 26th (Sunday) on subject Kenjutsu Kihon.
seminar will include techniques like: Kamae no Gata, Happo Giri and
Shinken Gata. The participants should bring boken with him.
Metal and sharp weapons are not allowed on the seminar.

Subject: Kenjutsu
Date: April the 26th 2009
Place: Elenac Hills


            08.00 hours – leaving from Skopje

            09.00 hours – arrival

            10.00 – 16.00 hours – theoretical and practical part

            17.30 hours – coming back

Price: 1000 denars – the price includes: seminar fee and transportation
The seminar will be held no matter the weather conditions.