Yeasterday in the Bujinkan Macedonia dojo in Skopje the last seminar for this year was organized, on subject: „Shinken Gata Chika
Maai Heiho“ or loosely translated: „Strategy for close combat“. On this seminar 14 of our members participated who five hours nonstop practiced these fast and dynamic techniques.
At the end of the seminar, the participants shared their impressions, so we will share some of them:
– After this seminar, blood was pumping for hours in my veins – Zoran T.
– The seminar was filled with positive energy and passion for more knowledge. At the end I felt happy and completely fulfilled – Taki G.
– Here we talk about training, about desires and smiles after five hours of punching, falling, throwing. We talk about discipline and obedience, about respecting the elders and the younger. We talk about a teacher that flawlessly performs the techniques and carefully follows our every strike, block and behavior. We talk about happy, smiling, joyful and energetic people, for one big family. With students like these, with training like this, a good seminar is inevitable – Marko O.
– Excellent seminar as always. Five hours hard training, sweating, punching, blocking, getting free from grips, tackling down, control and everything else. Combat with an opponent and controlling the situation around you. All who participated invested their maximum for every technique, from the beginners to the elders, and when you engage that much in the training, those five hours pass as five minutes – Vlatche A.
– There was no sun, but the day was beautiful and we did sweat a lot. Sensei greatest thanks for the wonderful ending of 2013 – Risto Riki Razbirash (Bogdanci)
– The seminar was unbelievably good, we learned a lot, recalled some things and for everything we’ve practiced I tried to do my best. After the first two hours, my concentration lowered slightly and I got 5 – 6 punches on my body, but quickly recovered. I thank for the seminar. When I could choose the next theme, I would choose something similar, so we can „bruise“ each other again – Mihail D.
– This is our second seminar and we really had a great time. We especially like the friendly relation and the dedication of the participants. Our only remark was that we would like events like this one to be organized more frequently – Maja and Angela.